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24h Solaris is an audiovisual tribute

to prominent filmmakers Andrei Tarkovsky

and Douglas Gordon.

Concept: Almira Ousmanova

Video artists: Natalia Nenarokomova,

Ales Patapenka

Sound: Ales Tsurko


Video from audiovisual installation

"24h Solaris".

  To an increasingly rapid acceleration of cinema one can respond only by its decelerating. This audiovisual installation reactualizes the concepts of time and space in Andrei Tarkovsky’s “Solaris” (1972) giving a viewer a possibility to immerse into the experience of film texture as an all-sufficient audiovisual universum through a total alienation from cinematographic narrative.


With digital hyperbolization of film time that is extended from 2 hours 46 minutes to 24 hours and special sound design the effect of pixel phonation is achieved. Music was designed as reacting to 24 selected pixels and general tone of frames as a result of direct sonification of the main frame colors. The interaction of colors turns into a harmony of the musical composition; colors become its rhythm, dynamic and articulation. The “Solaris” itself acquires a musical form. As such, sound completes the main concept of the installation and reinforces the effect of sinking into each frame.

The installation includes two screens showing the same movie in different modes. The first one moves from extreme zoom-in of an image to the standard image size, the second acts in reverse order. This effect allows its audience to deepen into the picture, become part of it, and turn into the place where Tarkovsky’s cinematic images are connected.

Soundtrack created by belarusian musician Ales Tsurko.

More information about the creation process here:

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