Film! Film! Film!
FFF! is a common space for the film community where everyone can join in exploring film theory and analysis and share their articles &...
16-17 April, 2018 Languages: English, Russian. Laboratory for Studies of Visual Culture and Contemporary Art at European Humanities...
Performance and Performativity in the Digital Present
Talk by Olia Sosnovskaya 20th of December, 18.00 EHU campus (Valakupiu g. 5, room 301) Olia Sosnovskaya will talk about performance in...
The Tiger's Jump: Theatre Without a Performer?
Talk by Tania Arcimovich 8th of December, 18.00 EHU campus (Valakupiu g. 5, room 112) The performing arts world today includes various...
The Revolutionary Imaginary: Visual Culture in an Age of Political Turbulence
Nov 30 – Dec 1, 2017 Interdisciplinary conference, Vilnius (Lithuania) On November 30 – December 1, 2017 an international conference...
The Affective Space of the Museum, the Flying Elephants of the Docart and the Photo Book of the Dig
Talk by Victoria Musvik 29th of November, 18.00 EHU campus (Valakupiu g. 5, room 301) Superseding postmodernism, our own epoch has not...
Art Collecting Going Public. Belarusian Art of the 20-21 cc. in Digital Space
Talk by Alina Strelkovskaia 16th of November, 18.00 EHU campus (Valakupiu g. 5, room 301) The omnipresent digitalization changes social...
The Role of Curator in a Digital World
Talk by Antonina Stebur 8th of November, 16.20 EHU campus (Valakupiu g. 5, room 112) Google's CTO, Ray Kurzweil, made a futuristic...
Art and Curatorial Practice in a Digital World
Series of seminars October 2017 – March 2018 EHU Campus (Valakupiu g. 5) The Laboratory for Studies of Visual Culture and Contemporary...
The First International Workshop on Game Studies “Games & Gender” Will Take Place at EHU
On November 3-4 2017 European Humanities University will host the international workshop on game studies for the first time. This year,...