Artes Liberales 2016 — Poetics of Labour
From 5 till 30 of April, 2016, Gallery “Ў” (Minsk) will host educational and artistic project ARTES LIBERALES for the fifth time. The Gallery’s space will once again turn into an open university - available for anyone.
ARTES LIBERALES proposes about 50 events: exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, presentations, performances, concerts and film screenings. ARTES LIBERALES is a festival of ideas and art-projects, created by the young people, studying Liberal Arts and interpreting the everyday reality through art and media forms.
The theme of Artes Liberales in 2016 is “Poetics of Labour”:
Putting “labour” forward (and offering comprehension of it “in a single shot”) in the framework of our project, we would like to discuss various modi of “labour” understanding (and attitude towards it) in historic and contemporary contexts, in global and local coordinates, and also - to descry labour, along as economic or social category, as an object of representation). It is important to understand the relation between Form and Ideology in the production of visibility modes of various types of labour, and why “poetics of labour” is inextricably linked to the scene of politics.
In the framework of Artes Liberales 2016, there will be held the exhibition “Labour in a Single Shot”. The project by Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki (supported by Goethe Institute in Minsk).
The main thematic blocks of Artes Liberales 2016:
“Labour in a Single Shot”: from poetics of cinema to politics of representation
Immaterial labour: modes of in/visibility
Labour – between freedom and compulsion
“Labour Reserve”: gender and work in (post)industrial era
Collisions of creative economy in local coordinates
“The Wo/Man of Labour” in Digital age, or the future of cognitariat
Spaces of labour and future of Cities
Listening [to the] industry
Visual stories of industrialisation
Participants of Artes Liberales 2016:
Antje Ehmann (DE), Detlef Gericke (DE/LT), Gülay Gün (de), Sophia Tabatadze (GE), Joanna Sokołowska (PL), Tatiana Shchyttsova (BY), Irina Glukhova (BY), Felix Ackermann (DE/PL), Anna Kotomina (RU), Galina Orlova (RU), Juliette Rennes (FR), Benjamin Cope (UK/PL), Davide Lombardo (IT), Tania Arcimovič (BY), Davide Lombardo (ITA), Vladimir Shcherban (BY), Olga Sasunkevich (Беларусь), Andrei Gornykh (BY), Andrei Charniakevich (BY), Pavel Niakhayeu (BY), Maryna Shukyurava (BY), Iryna Ramanava (BY), Boichanka Dzmitry (BY), Siarhej Chareuski (BY), Andrei Charniakevich (BY), Artem Atrashevsky (BY), Rusia Shukiurova (BY) and other speakers, artists and musicians.
Our contacts \ information resources: Project director - Almira Ousmanova.
Curator the exhibition “Labour in single shot” - Lena Prents
Project coordinators – Kiryl Kalbasnikau, Natallia Nenarokomova Audiovisual program curator – Pavel Niakhayeu Film program curator – Aliaksandra Ihnatovich
More about Artes Liberales: Concept - Program and calendar - History: 2015 , 2014, 2013, 2012
Our partners in 2016:
European Humanities University (Vilnius), Gallery “Ў”(Minsk), Goethe Institute (Belarus), Laboratory for studies of visual culture and contemporary art (Vilnius), ERSTE Foundation (Austria), Ambassade de France à Minsk, Foundamental Network (Belarus), Performative Practices Platform “zErne” (Belarus), Magazine of contemporary Belarussian culture “pARTisan” (Belarus),, UNISEX , etc.