Digital Globalization
Globalization is one of the most popular topics in contemporary humanities. The description of the new relations between local and global influenced nearly every theory in humanities. Consequently, the discourse about globalization is not homogeneous. In this course, we are going to focus on the technological and informational aspects of globalization. Specifically, we will study digital media which the main feature is interactivity. Therefore, I called this course "Digital Globalization".
Recent developments in media drastically changed the way we exist. All human features have been extended and enhanced: practices, identities, personalities, subjectivities, various experiences and memories now all digitalized. One more time in out history media is a new culture, and this new culture is hybrid, sporadic, frequently nomadic and sometimes painfully dynamic. What is even more important, the primary function of media today is personalization. The new belief among technological evangelists is that media is a companion, and the user is a context.
Teacher: Dzmitry Boichanka (lecturer)
Credits: 3 ECTS
Intro: the technologies of convergence
Networking: the new world for the new media
Capitalism: the digitalization of production
Surveillance: the future of panopticism
Enclosure: the digital bubble
Economy: how innovations could save the day
Resistance: beyond the economic imagination
Piracy: the new meaning of crimes Games: casuals, gamers and gamification
Outro: the world of cyborgs, filters and drones
According to many influential theorists, surveillance is one of the fundamental elements of modernity. In the era of postmodernity, the classical mode of surveillance known as Panopticon muted into the new forms of control. Among them are post-panopticon, ban-opticon, liquid surveillance. The primary goal of this presentation is to give an overview of this topic.
This presentation is about the main values of the digital democracy. It addresses the issue why do we need to acknowledge political dimension in digital and how we should understand the problems of control and censorship in the virtual reality.
The contemporary digital economy is a most significant shift in the late capitalism. We moved from the standard and conventional model “money-goods” to the most complicated models of the digital free services. The main topic of this presentation is a cultural turn of the digital economy. I suggest that today the profit of IT companies primarily depends on the transparency of the social relations within the communities of its users.