Visual and cultural studies is the new interdisciplinary direction which appeared on the crossing of philosophy, cultural studies, aesthetics, art studies and investigate specificity of modern culture as visual cultures visual par excellence.
Laura Mulvey (Birbeck College, UK). The Theoretical Basis of Film Studies. Workshop, 2006
Scott Lash (Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK). Capitalist Power and the Social Imaginary (public lecture , 2010)
Capitalist Power and the Social Imaginary
Laura Mulvey (Birbeck College, UK). Seeing the past from the present: re-thinking feminist avant-garde theory and practice in the 1970s.’ (lecture, 2006)
Seeing the past from the present: re-thinking
feminist avant-garde theory and practice in the 1970s.
James Elkins (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA) - Studying the Visual World (workshop, 2010)
Studying the Visual World
Lev Manovich - Visualization as The New Language of Theory
Visualization as The New Language of Theory
Virtual Studio as a Classroom (interactive lecture of A.Gornykh and the MA students, recorded in Virtual TV studio at EHU MediaHub, 2012)
Virtual Studio as a Classroom
Laura Mulvey - Conceptual Transaction from Visual and Other Pleasures to Death 24x A Seconds (seminar 2006)
Conceptual Transaction from Visual
and Other Pleasures to Death 24x A Seconds
Janet Wolff (University of Manchester, UK). The question of a sociological poetics: metaphors, models and theory (public lecture , 2010)